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A framework for private and verifiable statistical analysis across multiple data providers.


MPCStats is a framework that enables data consumers to query statistical computations across multiple data providers while ensuring privacy and result correctness. By integrating privacy-preserving technologies such as ZKP, MPC, and FHE, our goal is to provide tools and guidance for integrating privacy-preserving analysis into their workflows. We also aim to identify real-world applications that can benefit from this framework.


  • Privacy-preserving and verifiable statistical analysis: Allows data providers to keep their inputs confidential while giving data consumers the assurance that computations are performed accurately and securely.
  • Data validity: Integrates TLSNotary to authenticate inputs from verified web sources, ensuring data consumers can trust that data inputs are genuine and accurate.

Use Cases

  • Cross-department data sharing and surveys: Enables secure, private data sharing across government departments for streamlined operations and collaborative analysis.
  • Healthcare research: Aggregates data from sources such as fitness apps and sleep trackers, allowing researchers to uncover relationships between health factors, such as fitness and sleep patterns.
  • Salary survey: A verifiable and anonymous alternative to platforms like Glassdoor, where users can contribute salary data with privacy guarantees.
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PSE projects

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