A framework for private and verifiable statistical analysis across multiple data providers.
MPCStats is a framework that enables data consumers to query statistical computations across multiple data providers while ensuring privacy and result correctness. By integrating privacy-preserving technologies such as ZKP, MPC, and FHE, our goal is to provide tools and guidance for integrating privacy-preserving analysis into their workflows. We also aim to identify real-world applications that can benefit from this framework.
[PSE-Halo2](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/halo2) is a rearchiteted, KZG-backended fork of zcash's Halo2, an instantiation of PLONK, with support for [more curves](https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/halo2curves) and other [experimental features](https://github.com/kilic/tetris)
Modular folding library supporting multiple schemes and decider backends